On the occasion of the 110th Anniversary of Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University Law School, together with the Institute for Studies on Artificial Intelligence Law of Tsinghua University (THUIAIL), are delighted to invite international submissions for the110th Anniversary Tsinghua University Think Tank Forum: the 4th International Forum on Computational Law (4th IFCL): Data Governance and Legal Tech.The 4th IFCL will be held on September 25-26, 2021, at the Conference Hall, Law Library Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
The main forum of the 4th IFCL aims to prioritize data governance with the increasing importance of data value in the era of rapid development of legal tech. For further investigating the application and research of data and legal tech, sub-forums will devote to the discussions on critical issues in four topics:Personal Information Protection and Utilization, Data Assets and Data Exchange, Smart Contracts and Digital Currency, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Legal Practices. Through the academic and industry discussions, the 4thIFCL wishes to keep the balance between values and interests while promoting the interaction between legal and tech.
Participation in the Forum is open to researchers and practitioners with diverse backgrounds, including but not limited to scholars, policymakers, entrepreneurs, lawyers, doctors and technologist.
Participants are invited to submit abstracts (800 words) on topics including but are not limited to:
Research onData Governanceand Legal Tech
Discussion of Computational Law in Field ofPersonal Information Protection and Utilization, Data Assets and Data Exchange, Smart Contracts and Digital Currency, and NLP in Legal Practices
Main Forum: Data Governance and Legal Tech
Information Technology and the Transformation of the Legal Order
Computer & Information Technology and New Development in Legal Methodology
Innovations in Big Data Governance and Their Development Pathsfrom the Perspective of Comparative law
Big Data Governance and Compliance Response from a Security Perspective
The Balance between Data Flow and Personal Information Protection
Data Integration and Data Security
Data Governance and Compliance of Technology Companies
Studies of the Legal Issues of Web Data Crawling
Sub Forum 1: Personal Information Protection and Utilization
Conceptual Distinctions and Relationships between Information and Data
Protection and Utilization of Personal Information as a new Factor of Production
The Systematic Integration of Personal Information Protection Law and Contract Law
Legitimate Basis for Processing of Personal Information
The System of Rights of Information Subjects
Security Obligations of Controllers/ Processors
Legal Responsibilities of Controllers/ Processors
Typical Case Studies on the Personal Information Protection
Sub Forum 2: Data Assets and Data Exchange
The Establishment of A Data Market
Techniques and Rules for Data Ownership and Related Rights
Data Sharing Rules among Enterprises
Rules for Open Government Data
Tax Systems for Data Resources
Anti-monopoly Regulations of Data Utilization
Management and Exchange of Data Assets
Typical Case Studies of Data Development and Utilization
Sub Forum 3: Smart Contracts and Digital Currency
Smart Contracts and A New Paradigm for the Rule of Law
Smart Contracts andComputable Legal Theory
Influence of Smart Contracts on Traditional Private Law
Digital Currency System and Exchange Regulations
Studying Smart Contracts from the Contract Law Perspective
Smart Contracts and Enterprise Compliance Risk Management
Designs and Application Scenarios of Smart Contracts
Applications and Legal Issues of Blockchain in International Trade
Sub Forum 4: Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Legal Practice
Definitions and Applications of NLP in Legal Practice
Methods of Legal Data Annotation and Dataset Construction
Exploring Applications of Legal Text Classification in the Legal Field
Building A Legal Knowledge Graph (LKG)
Techniques of Legal Information Retrieval
Surveys on Legal Text Summarization
Analysis of Approaches in Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Judiciary System
Applications of Deep Neural Networks in Legal Information Retrieval
Automatic Judgment Prediction: Legal Question Answering System and Machine Learning (ML)
Abstract Submission: July 23, 2021
Notification of Acceptance: July 31, 2021
Completed Paper Submission: August 31, 2021
Conference: September 25-26, 2021
For any further questions regarding the 4thIFCL, please contact us via computational_law@tsinghua.edu.cn
If you are interested in attending the 4thIFCL, please submit a title, an abstract (no less than 800 words) of your speech and a personal profile via email computational_law@tsinghua.edu.cnbefore July 23, 2021.
Travel expenses will be reimbursed for those selected to present their work on the 4thIFCL.
We are also going to host a virtual forum on September 25-26 due to the possible travel restrictions
We are very much looking forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you in the 4thIFCL.